

President Jiang Kaixi and Vice President Han Long Attended IWCC Joint Meeting

On 10th-14th May 2015, the IWCC Joint Meeting was held at Beijing. President Jiang Kaixi and Vice President Han Long presented the event. Dr. Jiang Kaixi was invited to deliver a speech on evolution of Chinese copper smelting process, which reviewed copper smelting technologies in China with a special focus on DSB (Double Side Blown).  
The International Wrought Copper Council (IWCC), which was founded in 1953, is a trade association for the copper fabricating industry. IWCC Joint Meeting is held annually in different member country. The Beijing event was attended by approximately 200 delegates from 25 countries. The last event was held in Munich in 2014 and the next one is planned to be held in Cape Town in 2016.